December 21st ~ National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day

The Winter Holiday Season brings joy, peace, love, and laughter to many of us worldwide. Compassion for our fellow beings would urge us to share this good will with those less fortunate.
Image courtesy of Pixabay CCO
National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day is observed annually on the first day of winter. In the northern hemisphere, this is on or around December 21st (June 21st in the southern hemisphere). Known as Winter Solstice or midwinter, it is an astronomical phenomenon marking the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year.
Image courtesy of Pixabay CCO
Living on the streets is difficult enough in warm weather; but the harshness of winter claims many lives. If you would like to do something to help ease the suffering of our homeless sisters and brothers ~ or if you’d simply like to learn more ~ click on the links below. No manner of participation is too small, for kindness is not bound by the limitations of conscience.
National Day Calendar
Homeless Person’s Memorial Day
HuffPost article 
invisible PEOPLE blog
invisible PEOPLE on Facebook
invisible PEOPLE on Twitter
Facebook event
Gallybloggers is a blog dedicated to the homeless and posts the writings of many living on the streets. I do hope you’ll visit, comment, and share. It is administered by Dewin Nefol, a compassionate and talented writer and artist.
Image courtesy of Pixabay CCO
We must also remember the nonhuman beings who share our Mother Earth. Learn how to help stray animals survive the winter. Hopefully, all will find loving homes ❤
Mother Nature Network
The Animal Rescue Site blog
Paws in Need
Humane Society
Alley Cat Allies
Thank you for stopping by.
May we all be warm, safe, and loved ❤

All images courtesy of Pixabay CCO

48 thoughts on “December 21st ~ National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day”

  1. Beautiful post, Tina. We need to remember those less fortunate than ourselves, no matter how many legs they have, all year round, but of course also to stay warm, which can be some of a challenge in cold areas of our world.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a beautiful post, Tina. We must always remember to be grateful for the roof over our heads. But for the Grace of God, there go I. Thanks for sharing the valuable links. Hugs, sweet friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Tina, you touched my heart with this lovely post. We’re so busy this time of year with out-of-town guests, holiday parties and gift buying that we forget those that are less fortunate and need our help. Thanks for the reminder and for including our four legged friends as well. Love ya! ❤ xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for calling this to our attention. I did not know there was such a day, but *sigh* I think about all these folks and hope that they can find the help they need through these organizations, as well as others. Sending hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A timely post for all, Tina, and especially for us in Northern California where many homeless hop trains from back East to spend winters here. When I worked for the City, many efforts were made to help the homeless, by going so far as creating overnight warming centers for them to stay in, even with their pets. I also discovered one of my returning students is literally homeless and I am working with him to ensure he graduates. Merry Christmas to you, Miss Tina!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m really happy to hear that the City provides for both the homeless and their companion animals, Terri. Bless you for helping your student. I’m sure you know the reward will far outweigh the effort. You are a kind and good soul, my friend ❤


  6. Hello Tina! I’m hosting a blog party and DG Kaye sent me over to your site because she thought I would appreciate this post. She was right, of course!

    I think this day speaks to our compassion and ability to DO something, as we are the only species who can knowingly and actively make a profound difference. We don’t do it nearly often enough, so it’s good to have special days like this to remind us!

    Thank you for this post!!

    Liked by 1 person

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