Photo courtesy of Ningren

Darkness Defines the Light – Guest Post by, Tina Frisco… | Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog

Chris Graham, the best darn Story Reading Ape in the blogosphere, offers monthly guest posts to authors in his Hall of Fame. You can learn how to gain entry into this prestigious club HEREI’ve been contributing guest posts for the past year and a half, and have met many new and wonderful bloggers. 
Today I’m sharing my guest post for this month, published last Saturday on Chris’ blog. I hope you’ll head over to continue reading and, while there, follow Chris (if you’re not already doing so) and explore the many wonderful opportunities he has to offer. Thanks so much for stopping by ❤ 


Photo by Ningren
Image courtesy of Ningren
Without darkness, light would have no definition. Without evil, good would never be challenged to expand. Without definition and challenge, there would be no growth. Without growth, our spirits would not evolve.
Many indigenous peoples say the Earth is a schoolhouse and we incarnate here in order to learn. This makes sense only if we view the spirit as separate from the corporeal. If we do, then advancing to higher consciousness and an elevated spiritual plane holds great promise for human transcendence.
The Earth is a bipolar planet. Since all matter converts to energy, we can infer that our lessons will be of a bipolar nature. Darkness and evil are not, in and of themselves, our enemies. When we set up something as the enemy, we constrict and lose all prospect of growth. When we see adversity as our ally, our growth potential expands and accelerates.
I recently reviewed The Little Soul and the Sun by Neale Donald Walsch. You can read my review HERE
The Little Soul and the Sun by Neale Donald Walsch
The message in this book is that our spirits pledge with one another to learn specific lessons when we incarnate, and each of us plays a role specific to any person or persons with whom we have contracted. Thus, if I pledge to help another soul learn joy, I might be the implement of sorrow. Likewise: prejudice → tolerance; cruelty → compassion; animosity → forgiveness; fear → love.
This places adversity in a very different light, inclusive of the importance of endeavoring to change a bad situation. Growth lies in rising to the challenges we pledged to meet when making our contracts.
Viewing life in this way is empowering. If we made a contract that we later discover no longer serves, then it is within our power to change it. However, we might not readily see the means by which to do so. I have encountered this many times in my life and still struggle with it in some areas.
My spiritual teacher has often told me that I have the power to manifest what I want within a split second.
Continue reading . . . 
Source: Darkness Defines the Light – Guest Post by, Tina Frisco… | Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog

22 thoughts on “Darkness Defines the Light – Guest Post by, Tina Frisco… | Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog”

  1. Truly amazing post Tina. We still always have so much to learn from life, and your lessons shared are always full of great wisdom. And I shall be checking out the book recommendation as well. Love and peace to you my friend. ❤ xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I enjoyed this post and feel like we are all connected throughout the world, we just need to be open to the flowing positivity. 💞 🌐
    Hope you had a beautiful holiday season and will have a wonderful healthy and safe New Year, Tina.
    Thanks for stopping by and liking one of my posts or comments. . . Somehow, I was pulled here to meet you! Smiles, Robin

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome, Robin, and thank you for the lovely comment. You’re right about all of us being connected. Seems we’re finding our way back home to one another 💕


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