Tina Frisco - Author

New #Reviews for my Books

I’m delighted to share with you the wonderful reviews my books have received over the past few months. Those I’ve already featured can be found here and here. The latest are from Balroop Singh, John Fioravanti, Sally Cronin, and Colleen Chesebro. I’m so grateful for their interest, support, and time given. I’ve added links to their blogs and hope you will visit and follow if they’re new to you

Gabby and the Quads

Gabby and the Quads by Tina FriswcoBuy HERE

Cute and Engaging  5 Stars
By Balroop Singh on December 28, 2017

Gabby and the Quads by Tina Frisco is an engaging little tale of love and care for the new arrivals in a home full of affection for the older child. Gabby receives her four siblings lovingly and is ready to help as she is made to feel all-important by her parents.

This is a perfect book to be read to children to mentally prepare them before the arrival of a newborn and feel responsible towards the little one. What a wonderful way to instill values of loving, caring and sharing at an impressionable age! The illustrations enhance the value of the story, which is told in simple language to establish a cute connection between the reader and the listener.

Balroop SinghBalroop Singh:  Blog   Amazon US   Amazon UK



Vampyrie by Tina FriscoBuy HERE

More Than Just A Vampire Story  5 Stars
 on January 5, 2018 

Frisco is a gifted writer who knows how to snare the interest of her reader from the very first page and to maintain that interest until the very last word. Although it is a vampire story with a unique twist, it is so much more. I was fascinated with the growth and maturation that the main character, Phoebe, experienced throughout the story. As I reached the end of the book I realized that this tale of human growth wasn’t just Phoebe’s, it applies to all of us as we struggle with self-awareness and acceptance. Frisco teaches us that our hearts, minds, spirits, and souls contribute to this journey of awareness and fulfillment and that none of us journey alone. This is not just another vampire story. I highly recommend this great book.

John FioravantiJohn Fioravanti:  Blog   Amazon US   Amazon UK


A book that will change your perception of Vampires.
By  on January 13, 2018  5 Stars

Like many growing up, I read about and watched the films that featured vampires. Apart from the odd comedy, all painted those with fangs and a craving for blood as evil creatures that deserved a stake to the heart. After watching these demons, most of us opted to keep the lights on at night and wear clusters of garlic around our necks. No wonder some of us were never asked to the prom.

However, thanks to Tina Frisco’s book, it is clear that not all is as it seems when it comes to Vampires. As with humans there are good and evil walking amongst this element of society, and as you meet the various characters of the story, discovering more about their backgrounds, you will find yourself warming to the idea that most Vampires are good people.

Unfortunately, Phoebe Angelina Delaney suddenly finds herself in the hands of the rogue element of this ancient peoples. To this point she has been totally unaware of the forces at play within herself, or around her that have made her a target. She meets the enigmatic Michael who rescues her and then sets in motion an unravelling of the secrets that have been woven to protect her life. Close friends that have been part of her world since childhood are not as they seemed, and her frustration mounts as she tries to make sense of the increasingly complex deviations from her original path in life.

There are some wonderful characters, whose emerging backgrounds bring colour and context to the darkness surrounding Phoebe. Apart from her father Mitchell and Michael, you will meet Master Po at the dojo where she studies martial arts, Hannah a lifelong friend and work colleague and her best friend Lunah. Bringing their own kind of ancient and mystical element to the story are W’Hyani and RoDinjah, major characters from Frisco’s book Plateau.

As the forces of light and darkness within the Vampire peoples comes to a head, Phoebe and her friends must train tirelessly to prepare for the battle to come. What Phoebe does not realise, is that her growing mental and physical strength, are not just going to be needed in the fight against evil, but will lead to even more startling revelations. One of these being the true origins of those who have walked amongst us for 200,000 years.

The book is listed as horror and occult but I do think that it has a much wider appeal with action and adventure culminating in a brilliantly orchestrated final battle sequence. There are some scenes of violence but I would recommend for young adults upwards.

I enjoyed the story very much, the writing and plot flow easily throughout the book and from the middle of the book onwards, you will find yourself being drawn in and engaged in the build up to the ultimate battle against evil. I am sure that if you read this book, like me, your previous perceptions about vampires will be challenged in a very enlightening way.

Sally CroninSally Cronin:  Blog   Amazon US   Amazon UK


Vampyrie rewrites the stereotypes and character archetypes you’ve come to expect into something fresh and new.  5 Stars
By  on January 14, 2018

I never participated in the vampire reading craze that took over the fantasy genre after the successes of the famous books, “Twilight” or “Interview with the Vampire.” There was always too much blood and lust for my taste. Now upon deeper reflection, I may have missed out on some fascinating stories.

I also never considered the intriguing literary possibilities behind the disease of vampirism. Yet, that is exactly what attracted me to Tina Frisco’s hit novel, Vampyrie.

The protagonist, Phoebe Angelina Delaney is portrayed as a strong compassionate woman with a reputation for facing peril head-on. She is a fierce defender of her friends and loved ones. I immediately connected with Phoebe’s character and loved that she was written like a real person, filled with flaws and fears just like the rest of us.

Why did Phoebe’s father keep their family history a secret? Why did her mother disappear when Phoebe was a child? The story unravels, bit by bit, guiding the reader along on Phoebe’s journey where she must confront the secrets of her past and come to grips with the reality of her true identity. It’s not easy to face the real world when it turns upside down, but Phoebe shows us what’s she made of.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the character, W’Hyani, from one of the author’s prior novels, “Plateau, Beyond the Trees,” play an important role in this novel. The tie-in of characters was a brilliant addition by the author. What W’Hyani brings to this novel is the same thing she brought to the first novel – a sense of hope for the future of humanity; even though the characters find themselves embroiled in the midst of a war that must be won.

“Vampyrie” stands out from other supernatural tales because the vampire theory we have all come to expect has been rewritten with a twist where medical science skillfully revises the history of vampirism. This hypothesis holds a credibility that lends a sense of realism to the story I didn’t expect. It was a great divergence that kept me totally engaged in the mystery.

Yes, there was blood, and fangs, and some gore; but it wouldn’t be a vampire novel without those elements. I can only say I found myself pleasantly surprised when I discovered the fundamental theme of the book bestowed a philosophical message of growth, strength, and change.

If you think you know vampire novels, think again. “Vampyrie” rewrites the stereotypes and character archetypes you’ve come to expect into something fresh and new. I bet even the vampires approve!

Character Believability: 5
Flow and Pace: 5
Reader Engagement: 5
Reader Enrichment: 5
Reader Enjoyment: 5
Overall Rate: 5 out of 5 Stars

Colleen Chesbro, AuthorColleen Chesebro:  Blog   Amazon US   Amazon UK
Thanks so much for stopping by

62 thoughts on “New #Reviews for my Books”

    1. Thank you, Miriam! I don’t mind admitting to a lingering fear of vampires. Writing Vampyrie turned that around for me. What if vampirism were a curable disease? Perspective is everything 🙂 So nice of you to stop by, my friend ❤


  1. Great reviews, Tina, and not surprising that your writing is raved about by your readers. I really like the way you formatted and grouped reviews on this post. I often want to share reviews, but don’t want to overload the blog with “buy my book.” This is perfect. Thank you for sharing and for the idea. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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