Boomer on the Ledge by Molly Stevens

#Author Interview: Molly Stevens

As I regain my health and energy, I’m wading back in to the
blogosphere with an author interview. I’ve missed all of you and will slowly catch up with your lovely blogs.
Please join me in welcoming Molly Stevens.
Molly Stevens, Author
Molly Stevens is an author, blogger, and nurse, as well as a mother, wife, and grandmother. She grew up on a potato farm in northern Maine, and views writing and blogging as her
second act in life. She was among the winners of the 2017
National Society of Newspaper Columnists Writing contest
. She also has a great sense of humor, which (thankfully!) she shares on her blog.

Boomer on the Ledge by Molly StevensBuy Molly’s book HERE


Tell us a little about yourself.  I live in eastern Maine near Stephen King’s hometown of Bangor. I grew up in northern Maine on a potato farm where I wore a snowsuit over both my Halloween costume and my Easter dress. I’ve worked as a registered nurse since 1979, which in health care years is a century. I am wife to Patrick, who is shallow like me, so we are a terrific match. And I am the mother of a fabulous son who lives nearby with his incredible wife and two perfect sons. But I’m not proud or prejudice.

What is the title and genre of your latest book? Who published it?  Boomer on the Ledge is a pictorial humor book about the antics of an aging boomer. Humoroutcasts Press published it, and I took all the photographs for it.

Tell us a little bit about your book.  Boomer on the Ledge™ portrays, in a humorous way, some of the challenges people face as they age. I compare the experience of aging to hanging on a ledge, teetering between danger and adventure. Through the antics of a little doll I remind readers that aging can be fun. And we don’t have to be grim while we wait for the reaper.

Boomer on the Ledge by Molly Stevens

What inspired you to write it?  I saw my grandsons get excited about a little elf that monitored their behavior leading up to Christmas. I realized no one watches the actions of my generation unless looking for signs of dementia. I had a vintage doll my mother left me, and I started posing her in comical scenarios, and it made me laugh. That motivated me to design a new doll that became the focus of the book. She is hilarious and if you don’t believe me, ask her, and she’ll tell you.

What inspires you to write in general?  I have always been a voracious reader, gobbling books with almost as much enthusiasm as a platter of nachos. This foundation set the stage for me to become a writer. I am a humor writer, and since laughter helps me through rough patches, my mission is to help others do the same. I also love connecting with my readers and other writers.

When and what did you start writing?  I started writing mini-essays on Facebook, and family and friends urged me to start a blog. Once I decided on the name – Shallow Reflections – I published my first post in January 2015 at the age of 61. My tagline is, ‘Wading through life (mostly) laughing.’ Though I write humor, I reserve the right to be solemn or opinionated on occasion. I write weekly essays about a variety of topics – from my love affair with white potatoes to the whacky reasons I live in Maine year round.

What advice would you give a new writer?  Think about your focus and the audience you hope to attract, but write for you, and you will find your voice. Read and study other writers. Write quality content with consistency. Be generous supporting other writers and a standout when you comment on their blogs – you will make some fabulous friends. Limit social media to protect your writing time. Use a thesaurus. Be attentive to grammar and become a ruthless editor – less is more. Don’t forget to glance up from the computer to live so that you can gather new material for your writing.

What is a fun fact about you?  I sang back up for Foreigner when I was 59 years old. The band performed at a fundraising event in mid-coast, Maine and needed a choral group for the song “I want to Know What Love Is.” They usually invite a high school chorus but because there was an open bar, they had to resort to adults. So the community group I sang with had the chance to do it. You can see it on YouTube and I’m the one dancing like Elaine Benes from Seinfeld. Because, you know – open bar.

Where and what time of day do you like to write? Why?  I can write anywhere and often do with devices and notebooks scattered from one end of my house to the other. But this writing involves jotting down rough ideas and notes for later development. My real work takes place in my office typing on an iMac. I am a morning person, so while I can write after noon if I have to, I’m not as productive.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not writing? Any hobbies?  I love to spend time with family. I am involved in a local church and take part in the choir. I started singing lessons in my 40’s, developing an affinity for classical, sacred, and contemporary choral music, and have sung in several groups. I am a fan of British and Australian television, but can watch reruns of Frazier and the Gilmore Girls ad infinitum. I adore reading. And I’ve made snacking an Olympic sport, scoring a gold medal in the nacho competition.

Blurb from Boomer on the Ledge

Do you believe aging is grim? Molly Stevens observed her grandsons discovering Christmas magic with an elf who monitored their behavior and reported it to Santa. As invasive as that seemed, she realized no one watches folks in her age group unless scanning for signs of dementia. She felt invisible. So she created a little doll whose daily surprises reminded her how being a boomer is both harrowing and hilarious. From the mundane to the sublime, Boomer on the Ledge™ can transform grim into grins while you explore the antics of an aging boomer.

Boomer on the Ledge by Molly StevensBuy HERE

Molly is also a contributor to the anthology, These Summer Months: Stories from the Late Orphan Project, edited by Anne Born.

These Summer Months AnthologyBuy HERE

Learn more about Molly:  Blog   Facebook   Facebook   Twitter
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My thanks to Molly for being a guest on my blog.
Thank you so much for stopping by  

128 thoughts on “#Author Interview: Molly Stevens”

  1. Very nice to meet Molly, Tina. I’m so pleased to hear you’re making progress. You have been sorely missed, dear Sis! Big Hugs!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I am glad to see you back Tina and hope you will continue to grow strong.
    Thanks for the introduction of Molly Stevens. I do like the interview and Molly really sounds like a lady one would like to hear more from.
    A book with humour, that is welcome.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Hey Tina! I have been missing you and your blog. ❤ nice to meet Miss Molly. Great sense of humor and I can tell that her writing is a gift for all. Gotta give props for singing I Want To Know What Love Is… that is a rough tune. I had to sing it for a wedding, whew, it required many shots of tequila. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hey, sister, I’ve been missing you as well! I’d have paid good money to hear you sing at that wedding 🙂 I love that song and no doubt would’ve joined in, had I been there. Thanks so much for the lovely card. I really enjoyed it and hope to reply soon. Hugs, my friend ❤

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Aw Molly, you’re so sweet. It’s a pleasure to host you. Thanks so much for cheering me on. I see you with pompoms and, perhaps, a megaphone 🙂 Your enthusiasm is a natural tonic, my friend. Many hugs coming your way ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Tinaaaaaa so nice to see you back in blogland!!! You know I’m away but I had to visit and welcome you back. What a nice surprise to learn more about Molly here today. I enjoy her blog and her sense of humor too. And nice to learn more about Molly too. I thought our winters were bad; I don’t recall ever having to wear a snowsuit over a Halloween costume, lol. ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Debby. How bad are our winters? So bad that winter starts in November and extends through April. Just about the time I decide I am going to leave, July comes along and seduces me into staying, then August, September, and October follow suit giving me three full months of bliss. It is a sick, co-dependent relationship. Can you help me? Yes, isn’t it grand to have Tina back!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hey, Deb! I just knew you’d be here, girlfriend 🙂 I remember wearing a snowsuit over my Halloween costume at least once. Surrounded by seven mountain ranges, Pennsylvania winters can be pretty harsh. Have you had that margarita for me yet? I’m counting on a vicarious high 🙂 Hugs, you little beach lizard ❤❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’d imagine winters could be pretty brutal in Pennsylvania T. And actually going out tomorrow night downtown with my brother and sis-in-law. A maragarita (or 2) may just be in order. ❤ xoxo

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  5. Hello my Sister! How nice to meet Molly and hear about her new book. Sounds great! I love her new doll! What expressions on her face! LOL! ❤️ Glad to see you back. 😍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Colleen. The funny thing about the doll is she has the same expression but when she is posed in different positions, it looks like her expression changes. She has been a lot of fun. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. I am so glad Tina is doing better.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hello! She’s an optical illusion that lets us see her in her real form. How cool is that? ❤ Congratulations on your new book and best wishes.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Hey Sis, I’m so glad to see you! I think Molly’s doll would be a big hit with kids, especially if she sighed and sang a catchy tune ~ just like Elmo 🙂 Thanks for all of your support, my friend. Hugs ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Welcome back, Tina! You’ve certainly been missed. What a funny lady Molly is (singing backup for Foreigner and dancing like Elaine Benes) 🙂 Great interview and what a relevant topic considering how many of us baby boomers there are nowadays.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Yeah!! 😀😀 Tina, I’m so happy to see you back here…and I hope you are feeling better and stronger. You’ve been missed, my friend!

    What a lovely post to start with, it’s been a pleasure reading your interview with Molly and I felt as if I was sitting in on a cosy chat … so often I wanted to contribute to the conversation. Molly, congratulations on your book and I love how you take up ageing in a fun and humours way. So much of what you said resonated with me and I could go on and on. One thing stands out … You singing backing for one of my all time favourite songs!!!!!! Woweee!! I just loved this song as a teenager and even now never tire of it. It’s got such a punch! Lovely to meet you here! Wishing you both a great weekend. Hugs xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Annika. I am delighted to be here with Tina today and so happy she is doing better. So nice to have a ‘chat’ with you. I’m glad to read that you related to the ‘conversation’ about aging with humor. It was a thrill to sing back up for Foreigner and an experience I don’t think I’ll ever forget. But you never know. I have forgotten a lot at this stage of my life. Haha! Hugs back to you my new friend.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Aw, thank you, Annika. I’m happy to be back and am feeling better each day. So glad you enjoyed Molly’s interview. She is very entertaining, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy her blog and writing. Hugs back to you, my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  8. How nice to see my girl Molly on your blog, Tina, AND you, yourself! You may have heard I’m on a lengthy blogging break due to work demands, but I am still checking in with my favorite bloggers! Wonderful post, Tina! Hope you are feeling peppy soon, my friend!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much, Terri! I’m slowly regaining energy and will be catching up with blogs. Enjoy your blogging break, and don’t overwork yourself. Hope you have time to take more lovely pictures. Hugs, my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Its nice to see you back Tina, glad to hear that you are feeling better. It is an interesting interview and thanks for introducing Molly with her book, which seems to be captivating. I’ll check it. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Great to learn more about Molly and great to see you back Tina. Don’t forget to glance up from the computer to live so that you can gather new material for your writing is perfect advice and something I need to be reminded of from time to time. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Hi, Tina – Welcome back to the blogging world! I loved learning more about Molly here.
    BTW Molly – Try as I may, I could not find the You Tube Video with your choir in it. Will you share the link?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. This was fun to read, probably because you, Molly, are fun to read! Love your sense of humor. Thinking of you Tina, and hope you continued to get stronger. We all band together here, and send out healing healthy happy vibes. xo

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Molly sang back up for Foreigner??? Ha ha. I’m jealous! Great interview of a very funny lady (who can also be serious, warm-hearted, and opinionated). I love it, and Molly’s book is a hoot. Thanks for much for hosting, Tina, and I’m glad to hear you’re on the mend. Hugs to you both. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I can’t believe the foreigner thing, either, Diana. It was fun and you are right to be jealous. If it makes you feel any better, I wandered into the Green Room (which was a tent) and was ushered out with sort of a nasty remark from the staff. They said something like, ‘What the hell are you doing in here?’ Good thing I’m a fast eater, or I wouldn’t have had time to stuff my face with shrimp cocktail. Anyway, so good to have you back and thank you so much for dropping by Tina’s blog and making your lovely presence known with a comment. XO

      Liked by 2 people

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