Photography by Ningren

What I Have Learned from Chronic Illness – Guest Post by, Tina Frisco… | Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog

Many thanks to my friend Chris Graham, The Story Reading Ape, for once again hosting me on his supportive and informative blog
The Story Reading Ape
Visit Chris’ blog HERE. He has so much to offer.


The opportunity to learn presents itself more often than most of us recognize. We ignore or do not hear the knock on the door to our hearts and minds. We become outraged or sickened when engaging with or reacting to someone whose behavior strikes fear in us. We allow our attention to divert to the trivial when facing something that makes us uneasy. Yet everyone and everything we encounter is a mirror, a reflection of ourselves.

I have been off line for most of the past six weeks, coping with a flareup of fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue. When homebound and at times bedridden, it is a challenge to feel connected to the outside world and not slip into depression. I constantly have to remind myself that I am not alone. My shaman teacher told me this early on:

The first lesson of power is that we are alone.
The last lesson of power is that we are one.

Recognizing and engaging with the numerous mirrors always before us requires mindful awareness. Any emotion that disrupts inner peace and union with The Divine provides an opportunity to grow. This could be a personal encounter, a memory, a TV program, a disquieting sound or smell, a visual image…

While in the throes of pain and fatigue, it can be difficult to focus one’s intention. Yet the most exacting circumstances offer the most potential for growth. Remaining aware of this, I have learned many things from chronic illness.

Growth occurs in stages. When we find ourselves in a recurrent situation and feeling frustrated/angry/disgusted, it is important to remember that we merely are peeling away another layer of the onion, the façade we believe to be our true nature. But we must not stop at this realization. We must dive deep and search for the cause, knowing full well we might encounter more illusions along the way. However, with each diving and resurfacing, we discover a piece of the Self we are dying to know. And yes, we are dying. We are shedding the relative–the illusion–and being reborn, moving closer to the absolute.

We move in and out of emotion until we reach
enlightenment . . .

Continue reading


33 thoughts on “What I Have Learned from Chronic Illness – Guest Post by, Tina Frisco… | Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog”

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about your inner journey, Tina. You are an inspiring person and writer! Thanks for hosting Tina, Chris.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m sorry to hear that you were feeling so poorly, Tina. I’m pleased to see that you are feeling improved and are now back to join us. Stay well. Enjoy the journey.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your beautiful truth T. We all notice when you are absent, but your words make us understand the turmoil and emotional effects that come along with your physical disability when you are stricken. You bring so much light to so many. Glad to see the lights back on here my friend. ❤ xoxoxo

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  4. Such wisdom held here within your words dear Tina.. And knowing as I went through FMS and relapses so understand the physical drain.
    Being on our Spiritual journeys have taught us many lessons along the way. And one of them were words from one of my guides many years ago which echo what you said here..
    That in times of quiet and when we think we are not moving, that is when we progress the most..
    I never forgot my guides words, when I came to that period of doubt as a void seemed to open at that particular time..

    And you are also right, in that in the times of need, we truly do find our real friends.. I am grateful to have you among others who offer the hand of friendship and guidance..
    I truly appreciate your presence..
    And I hope you have regained your balance and strength as this phase ebbs out, showing you your next goals to be achieved..

    Love and Blessings and continued health and wellness to you Tina.. ❤
    Much Love
    Sue ❤

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    1. Thank you so much for your heartfelt comment, dear Sue. Standing on the threshold of a void is often frightening, yet it is the void that holds all promise. I am grateful for your presence and friendship on this journey. Love and blessings, dear friend ❤

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