Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

Vote for My Book in Authorsdb #firstlines Semi-Finals Contest

I’ve entered my book, Vampyrie, in the AUTHORSdb First Lines Contest and would very much appreciate your vote.

Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

Go to AUTHORSdb and scroll down to Submit your Vote/ Review. Voting ends May 28, 2018.


Judging is based on three questions:

Do these first lines pull you into the story?
As a reader are you invested in reading more?
Do you feel involved in the story quickly?


These are the first lines in Vampyrie:

“Where in the blazes am I?” Phoebe mumbled under her breath, afraid someone might be listening. “And how in the world did I get here?” She crept along the cold stone wall, carefully placing one foot in front of the other.


AUTHORSdb is a wonderful place to meet fellow authors and showcase our work.

I usually don’t enter contests and don’t quite remember why I entered this one! But now that I’m invested, I might as well promote it and enjoy the ride 🙂

Thank you so much! ❤️

70 thoughts on “Vote for My Book in Authorsdb #firstlines Semi-Finals Contest”

  1. Promote away, Tina! 😀 This is a terrific beginning to your book … raising so many questions and introducing the character of Phoebe, who I already care about! Heading over to vote! Good luck and hope you’re having a good week. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  2. So much fun! Went over and voted – I know you will find success. Sending you big hugs and the opening lines to your book do sound so interesting. I hope you’ve had a great week! Great job on accomplishing the publication of this novel, too! I know what it is to go through that process, so kudos to you!! Sending you big hugs and wishes for smashing success.

    Liked by 1 person

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