Tina Frisco - Author

Reblog: The 2018 Author Interview Series Featuring Tina Frisco | Author Don Massenzio

Don Massenzio is an avid supporter of fellow authors, and I’m honored to be among his guests on his 2018 Author Interview Series. He has interviewed nearly 200 authors since 2016, and you will find them listed in his Author Directory.
Don is a prolific author with many books to his name.

Find all of his books HERE

Frank Immersed by Don Massenzio
My thanks to Don for a lovely interview and for his ongoing support of fellow authors. Thanks so much for stopping by ❤️



The 2018 Author Interview Series Featuring Tina Frisco

It’s time for the next subject for my 2018 author interview series. Author interviews are posted every Friday throughout the year.I am honored to continue this series with California author and blogger Tina Frisco.

You can catch up with all of my past author interviews (nearly 200) on my Author Directory page.

If you’re an author interested in being interviewed in this series, I still have limited spots available for 2018. You can email me at don@donmassenzio.com

Now, please enjoy this interview with Tina Frisco:

Tina 4a

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I aim to do both, because both are needed for books to sell. But I won’t compromise originality, so at times it becomes a bit of a juggling act. I write because I enjoy it and am compelled to so. Writing is my life’s blood. And like most writers, I want to engage and communicate with others. In order to reach people, my writing must be both original and magnetic.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Pay attention. Observe what moves people and learn how to reach them where they are. Take your passion for writing and gingerly weave its message through the prevailing consciousness. People will turn a deaf ear to shouting, but they will strain to hear a whisper.

What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?

woman chief

Woman Chief by Rose Sobol. It’s the true story of a woman who became chief of the Crow Indians by refusing the traditional duties of women and by outperforming her male counterparts.

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?

Continue reading . . .

35 thoughts on “Reblog: The 2018 Author Interview Series Featuring Tina Frisco | Author Don Massenzio”

  1. Great interview and a great series. I’m intrigued by your recommendation of Woman Chief. It sounds like the perfect book for me and I’m going to investigate. Thanks, Tina and thanks to Don!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What a fun interview! I think I need to read “Woman Chief” – that sounds like a really good book. As a quick tangent, have you heard of “Mother Earth Father Sky” by Sue Morrison? I read that when I was about 12 years old and that story just stuck with me all my life. She’s written a series of these books. They’re historical fiction, set among the Inuit about 5,000 years ago. So interesting how she wove together the history and an incredible story. Anyways…
    I went over to the other blog to continue reading your interview. Well done! So awesome! And…three months to write a book. You’re cranking them out! Hehe.
    When I was writing ghost stories, I wrote several and published one. Under a pen name. And then I thought that somehow I wasn’t supposed to do that. That I was “called” do to something else. Shortly after, I started my Intuitive website…under another pen name (because I have many interests). So that part about you and the pen names piqued my interest because I STILL go back and forth on that. Because I consider that my business, and I want to organize my meditation teaching through the website, I use my business email to correspond with the meditation institute, right? They were like, “Hey, can we quote you on something? If we did, what name to we use?” Haha…I told them to use my real name (not Sageleaf) but then I wondered how in the world I’m going to deal with THAT dilemma. I have books published under Sageleaf, but…the community where I live knows me as Calhoun, so I’m like…uh…uh…these pen names! LOL.
    Or…maybe you just COMPLETELY embrace it like Mark Twain did. Most people don’t call him Samuel Clemens. Haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re a hoot, Cynthia 🙂 One pen is problem enough… I can’t imagine having more! I read Mother Earth Father Sky years ago and loved it. And I know you’ll love Woman Chief. Your positive energy makes my heart smile, my friend ❤️


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