#Author Interview: D.G. Kaye


Debby Gies is a Canadian nonfiction/memoir author who writes under the pen name of D.G. Kaye. She was born, raised, and resides in Toronto, Canada. Kaye writes about her life experiences, matters of the heart, and women’s issues.

Welcome, Debby!

Hi Tina. I’m excited to be here guest appearing on your wonderful blog and mingling with some of your readers. Thank you so much for having me here today.

Debby, it’s my great pleasure to have you here. We’re looking forward to learning more about you, your writing process, and your outstanding and informative books.

Tell us a little about yourself.  I’m a nonfiction/memoir writer and blogger. All of my books are written from my point of view, taken from experiences I’ve encountered. While my memoirs, P.S. I Forgive You and Conflicted Hearts are of serious subject matter, I do like to inject some humor in some of my other writings.

What is the title and genre of your latest book, and can you tell us book-debby-p-s-i-forgive-youa little about it?  My newest book, P.S. I Forgive You, is my story about finding forgiveness for my narcissistic mother before she died, and for myself for remaining with my decision not to go back to her after banishing her from my life several years prior to her death. This is Book II to my first book, Conflicted Hearts; but because of the subject matter, it could easily be read as a standalone.

What genres do you enjoy reading?  I love reading biographies/memoirs, self-help books, books on writing, and stories about people who have overcome adversity.

Where do you like to write and why?  I love to write at home in the quiet. I’m easily distracted, so no TV or music while I’m writing. I wish I was one of those writers who could pack up my things and go write in a public cafe, but I know I’d get lost in observing my surroundings; so I find I can discipline myself better at home.

book-debby-words-we-carryWhat time of day do you like to write and why?  I love to write first thing in the morning after my coffee. I’m a multi-tasker, and once I get on the computer, I can get lost for hours between my emails, social media, blog, etc. So I have to do my writing first thing in the morning, or it’s not going to happen; although some of my best ideas come lurking in the wee hours of the night. In those instances, I have a handy journal I keep by my bedside to jot down ideas that will be elaborated on in the morning. If I don’t jot them down, I can consider them forgotten the next day.

When did you first start writing?  I was writing as far back as I can remember when I learned to write. I had an active imagination and was highly in-tuned with my growing up in an environment of dysfunction. I started writing poems and making up Hallmark–like cards for loved ones and friends. Valentine’s Day was my favorite holiday for making cards. As I grew into my teens, I began journaling about my observations of my family life, and I continued to journal through life. I wanted to write books for years but hadn’t developed enough self-confidence to do so.

Tell us a little about your newest book.  P.S. I Forgive You is a sequel book-debby-conflicted-heartsto Conflicted Hearts, a memoir about my narcissistic mother, the psychological hold she had on me by instilling guilt and fear when her demands weren’t complied with, and the heartache she bestowed on her loved ones. This sequel is a stand-alone in its own right. It’s a new journey about discovering and overcoming the narcissists inflictions and ultimately learning forgiveness, both for myself and my mother. The story is a completion of a life cycle, the cutting of the cord with all its frayed ends.

.Ebooks or paper? Do you have a preference?  I love both! They each serve their own purpose for me. I love ebooks for their portability. I read on my kindle at night in bed for pleasure reading. But all of my books pertaining to the craft of writing are in paperback. I need a physical book for my writing needs as I need to be able to make it personally mine by highlighting passages, folding important pages, and whatever else I can do to leave reminders or important things I want to go back to for reference.

book-debby-meno-whatIf you have a blog, what subjects do you write about?  I sure do run a blog. My blog is comprised of articles that I find informative about writing or self-publishing, random things I find interesting or unjust, and I have a new Sunday book review series where I choose a book I’ve read and enjoyed to share with my readers.

What was the first book that touched you deeply?  The Thornbirds written by Colleen McCullough. It’s a beautiful story about broken people living in a small town in Australia, encompassing undying and forbidden love.

What advice would you give a new writer?  Try to write every day. book-debby-have-bagsI’m not one who is disciplined by word counts. I just sit and write, whether it’s for a book I’m writing, ideas for a new book, a blog post, or just choosing a word prompt to keep the juices flowing. I may only crank out a paragraph or a page, or perhaps get lucky with a thousand words or more, but it’s daily exercise for the brain and good fuel to keep the writing keen. If we write something every day, it’s surprising how in a few months time we can have a rough draft written for a new book. Also, I recommend writing in the genre your comfortable in. Not all of our writing will appeal to everyone, so it’s best to write what you’re comfortable with, and eventually you will find your tribe.

Thank you so much Tina for inviting me here today to your blog to share a bit of myself and my newest book, P.S. I Forgive You: A Broken Legacy.

You’re very welcome, Debby. I’m delighted to share you and your work with my readers. Congratulations on the recent publication of your newest book! I wish you continued success as a published author, and I hope your books are read by many across the globe.


P.S. I Forgive You is now available on Amazon.

Blurb:  I hurt for her. She wasn’t much of a mother, but she was still my mother.

Confronted with resurfacing feelings of guilt, D.G. Kaye is tormented by her decision to remain estranged from her dying emotionally abusive mother after resolving to banish her years ago, an event she has shared in her book Conflicted Hearts. In P.S. I Forgive You, Kaye takes us on a compelling heartfelt journey as she seeks to understand the roots of her mother’s narcissism, let go of past hurts, and find forgiveness for both her mother and herself.

After struggling for decades to break free, Kaye has severed the unhealthy ties that bound her to her dominating mother—but now Kaye battles new confliction, as the guilt she harbors over her decision only increases as the end of her mother’s life draws near. Kaye once again struggles with her conscience and her feelings of being obligated to return to a painful past she thought she left behind.

Excerpt: The End Is Near

My mother had been dying for years, and through those years she refused to surrender her bitterness and remained in denial of her flaws. The many times I heard she was dying reminded me of the boy who cried wolf. I almost believed she was invincible, and even though I never wanted her to suffer, she did.

I thought it was just a horrible and sad way to die—holding hatred for those she had chased out of her life, living in bitter seclusion, knowing her days were numbered. Her once vibrant life had diminished into a mere existence of watching TV and complaining. She’d also given all her caregivers a difficult time, bitching at them all and letting them know how useless they were to her because of what her life had become. Nobody was exempt.

I asked my brother Robby why God didn’t just take her out of her misery and pain during one of the many times she was on the brink of death. Why would he not spare her from suffering? He replied, “God has his own plans.” I couldn’t help but wonder if he was letting her suffer because she had hurt so many people in her lifetime, but in my next thought I couldn’t believe God would play those cruel games, tit for tat.

About the Author:  D.G. Kaye writes to inspire others. Her writing encompasses stories taken from events she encountered in her own life, and the lessons taken from them. Her sunny outlook on life developed from learning to overcome challenges in her life and finding the upside from those situations. Her refusal to accept the word No or the phrase I can’t keep her on the path to positivity. Kaye loves to look for the humor in whatever life can dish out, and when she isn’t writing intimate memoirs, she’ll bring her natural sense of humor into her other works. She writes with a rawness and honesty, leaving readers with something to take from her stories.

Learn more about D.G. Kaye:   Website       Twitter       Facebook   Google+       LinkedIn       Amazon

Thanks so much for stopping by

92 thoughts on “#Author Interview: D.G. Kaye”

  1. I gotta agree with you, D.G., Tina is gracious. I’d even go so far as to say that she is an outstanding humanitarian if I knew how to spell humanitarian. By the way, from what I read in the excerpt, you are one hell of a writer.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Reblogged this on mira prabhu and commented:
    D.G. Kaye​ (aka Debby Gies​) writes on a subject that most shy away from, especially in trad societies – how do we react to the painful knowing that our mother is a narcissist? How do we cope as time goes on and our own spirit grows to the point that we want to reach out to even our abusers with forgiveness, love and compassion? Please, if you too have struggled with this issue, or know someone who has, read and share….and enjoy Tina Frisco’s interview with the author too!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Mira. The point you make about our spirit growing to the point where we want to reach out to our abusers with forgiveness, love, and compassion is an intriguing one. It seems that when the heart swells, it has no choice but to “speak.” Not being attached to the outcome is yet another step in spiritual evolution, and one that requires a bit more growth I’ve found ❤


  3. Reblogged with this message: D.G. Kaye​ (aka Debby Gies​) writes on a subject that most shy away from, especially in trad societies – how do we react to the painful knowing that our mother is a narcissist? How do we cope as time goes on and our own spirit grows to the point that we want to reach out to even our abusers with forgiveness, love and compassion? Please, if you too have struggled with this issue, or know someone who has, read and share….and enjoy Tina Frisco’s interview with the author too!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thanks Tina for this chance to get to know Debby. Nice to see her here! I look forward to reading Conflicted Hearts. She is a lovely lady and a talented writer and one of my favorite people! Blessings and hugs to you both! ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  5. You’re welcome, Janice. I was thrilled to interview Debby. She’s also one of my favorite people, as well as an outstanding writer. Thanks for stopping by. Blessings and hugs ❤


  6. Debby, lovely to learn more about you in Tina’s blog. I’ve also tried writing in cafes etc, it sounds so romantic and ‘writerish’ but like you, pause to observe, listen…quiet at home works best! The Thornbirds was famous in its time I think and remember reading – but wasn’t there also a TV show with Richard Chamerlain? Terrific extract but made me so sad – in all honesty I cannot even remotely relate to such a mother, terribly tough for you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Annika. Thanks for dropping by and leaving your thoughts. Yes, The Thornbirds turned into a mini series which I watched 3 times! Once I binge-watched for a whole weekend, decades ago, lol. I loved the series as much as the book. ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I have learned to know Debby via our blogs and have her new book on my Kindle ready to read as I travel from FL to PA this week. Author’s lives always fascinate me, and I was interested to learn that we both were intrigued by The Thornbirds when it was published years ago.

    Thank you, Tina, for featuring a worthy author and friend here today. I’ll enjoy poking around on your website too!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Marian for your ongoing friendship and support. You are always so kind with your thoughts and words. I’m over the moon you’re going to be airplane reading my book! You may need Kleenex *warning, lol. How nice to know you too were intrigued by The Thornbirds. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello lovely ladies, thank you both for this post, what a great interview! Tina, it’s so great to connect with you here, thanks to our lovely mutual friend Debby, how very much I enjoyed reading your questions and Debby’s answers. Deb – I learn something new about you every time I read you, and always I am struck at so many similarites – I adore the Thornbirds and have to write in silence too! What a powerful, brave and moving read ‘PS I Forgive You’ will be… ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yay Sher! I’m so happy to see you here, and so glad you’ve connected with my dear friend Tina. Birds of a feather, flock together, lol. Thanks for your beautiful words, and not surprised to learn that you too were taken with The Thornbirds. ❤ xo

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks a bunch for hopping over here Jacqui. And thanks for your kind words. I always enjoy reading about my friends in the blogosphere too. It adds another dimension to the friendships we make. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Loved this interview with Debby Tina, And Debby is such a lovely lady and mutual friend.. And I do not know how either of you keep up with all that you do.. Much love Tina, and
    Loved reading more about you Debby xxx Hugs Sue xx

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Hi Tina, I am glad to meet another lovely writer in this blogosphere, having hopped over from D.G.’s blog. Wonderfully conducted interview!
    It’s nice to hear about your writing journey Debby. I agree that if we don’t write in the morning, we get lost in the maze of emails and tweets! Loved your advice of writing everyday too.
    Thanks for sharing an excerpt from your latest book. Keep inspiring! My best wishes. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  11. This was a very interesting interview, Debby. With whistling teenagers in my house, I can well understand how you feel about distractions! I like the tip about trying to write every day. I’m going to try to follow it from now on. I tend to try to cram everything into my days off, but it’s not a very satisfactory way to work.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for dropping by here Bun. I’m glad you’ve taken some helpful tips from my post. It’s amazing to see how much you’ve written when you go back and look at your daily writes. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  12. Tris and Debbie you are both very interesting and supportive kindred spirits (as Tris put the other day)… that IAM proud to have recently met here on wordpress and am going to enjoy reading with you. Have a great weekend x Barbara p.s. a great author interview/book review about another book you’ve written Debbie.

    Liked by 2 people

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