16 thoughts on “Guest Post – Author, Tina Frisco”

      1. I am working my way down the email listing Tina.. its growing far too large again.. I have been spending more time crocheting and painting.. And just answering comments .. I Do not know how you keep up.. LOL… Love and Hugs to you.. and I appreciate you and your repostings of my posts.. 🙂 xxxx Much Love your way x

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        1. I’m doing the same, Sue. I’ve been off line for a couple of days (not feeling well) and am drowning in emails (that I keep up is an illusion 🙂 ). Thank goodness our community is so understanding. It’s always a pleasure to share your lovely posts. Love and hugs ❤

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          1. Sorry to hear you have not been well Tina.. I hope you are recovering!.. Yes we have a Wonderful Community here on WP.. We are blessed with so many wonderful Blogging friends..
            I Know I will never catch up.. When I was in at Christmas.. I had to delete the whole inbox and start again.. It was well over one thousand… I kept on top for a day.. LOL.. hehe..
            Take care of YOU..
            Love Sue xxx

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            1. I appreciate your good wishes, Sue. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve clicked “Select All” and “Delete.” It can become a matter of survival as well as sanity. Sometimes working with our hands (e.g., painting) is a lifesaver … 💖💖

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  1. So great to see you featured on Jan’s blog T. Splendid set up and excerpt, and great feedback I see. I was also reading your dialogue here with Sue, I gasp when I don’t clear out my emails daily, but we’ve talked about the overwhelming feelings we have from being inundated. Lol when I go away, I’ll still have to go to email daily just to delete, and try not to look. 🙂 Sharing around town my friend. Hope you sell a ton of books! xoxo ❤ ❤

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