A beautiful and moving poem by Patricia Salamone. Speak your heart. Always. And forgo regret 💖

The Writers Desk

When I am gone, will my shadow stay.

Will you see me walking beside your shadow under the moon.


Will the scent from flowers I liked remind you of me.


Will a gentle breeze across your face feel like a kiss from me.

When you hold an item I gave you will it feel like a hug from me.

When holidays come will I be remembered.

When you dream will I be there, and if I am,

is it really a dream, or could I be visiting you.

Speak to me with love in your voice, hug me whenever you can.

Hold me in your heart, forget about your pride

because tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone and regret lasts a lifetime.

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15 thoughts on “WHEN I AM GONE”

  1. I used to write poetry more than I do now, although I’ve been reading a lot of it from others. Most have been good, but haven’t moved me to even think about writing again. This one did. Inspirational. Kudos, Patricia, and thanks for sharing, Tina!

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