Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

I was pleasantly surprised to read Cathleen Townsend‘s lovely review of my latest novel, Vampyrie. I very much enjoyed my interview with her in May. Cathleen is the author of five novels and gives generously of her time to fellow authors.

Cathleen Townsend

VCVampyrie contains all the classic vampire lore–the fangs, silent movement, brutal attacks, and human senses that are outmatched by their unearthly antagonists. In addition to this, it also holds some unique world-building, everything from the biochemical roots of vampires to their origins. As someone who’s written seven novels retelling fairy tales, I can appreciate this. A fresh blend of old and new can be an absorbing approach.

The book opens with Phoebe, the novel’s protagonist, being abducted, and unwittingly involved in the ongoing fight between the two branches of vampires. Fortunately for her, a league exists to fight the evil, degraded vampires, although she certainly wasn’t expecting her new knowledge to involve her own family history. Nor was she prepared to find her friends were also at risk.

If you’re a fan of paranormal reads with a scientific twist, Vampyrie is a read that should appeal to you. Click here…

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21 thoughts on “Vampyrie by Tina Frisco”

  1. Fantastic review, Cathleen, and well deserved, Tina! My human, who does not know how to maintain a blog, let alone set one up, asked me to say that, and that she loved Vampyrie. She said a lot more stuff too, but as I told her, I’m not her secretary, and I can’t sit here typing all night. I’ve got to get my beauty sleep. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for taking the time to relay Emily’s message, Miss Zoe. If you wouldn’t mind passing along my ‘thank you’ to her, I’d be forever grateful 🙂 ❤


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