

When will we humans understand that to turn a blind eye to those in need is to turn a blind eye to ourselves? When will we come to know ~ Know with a capital K ~ that we are all one?
Gallybloggers is an online forum for authors who are Homeless. Dewin Nefol, creator of the site, states: Those who write and submit to Gallybloggers do so wholeheartedly believing in what we do and in what we would like to achieve by giving voice and opportunity for expression to those who are walked-over by society and passed-by everyday on our streets and empty shop doorways.”
I’m reblogging this today in the hope that many of you will follow Gallybloggers, comment on their outstanding posts, and share their brilliant works

36 thoughts on “CALL TO ARMS!”

    1. Namaste Luanne 🙂

      Thank you very much for your generous show of support for Gallybloggers and all that we would very like to achieve. If only small voices would be heard perhaps they really could change the world? 🙂

      God Bless. Namaste 🙂

      DN and Raven’s 12

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Madelyn, Namaste 🙂

      It’s a pleasure to receive your company at Gallybloggers as much your valued support – of immense worth to us specifically: your expertise is central to understanding possible reasons for Homelessness as much the consequences of Homelessness on the quality of Mental Health amongst their population. I’ve presented figures in a comment below suggesting in 2005, the total global Homeless population was 100 million! That is not a huge number of people but a vast simmering cauldron of emotions and emotional states.

      In the UK our Social Security System appears not to operate inclusively, fairly or reasonably to accommodate Mental Health disorders as part and parcel of assessment testing eligibility for Welfare. Mental Health disorders are largely ignored or the staff undertaking the assessments are ignorant or have a poor understanding of Mental Health and how disabling it can be in every day life. The Assessors report is key to the decision being made to award or deny award payments, hence it is critical to those with Mental Health disorders that their evaluation is inclusive of their condition. As a consequence there are claimants ‘cheated’ by a system that appears to discriminate against Mental Health: an act that saves millions of pounds to the Treasury but causes untold distress, possible suicidal ideation and leads to other social problems such as crime, drug and alcohol abuse, as well as violence. In the UK the Social Security System has to change, it is not fit for purpose: money is being put before people’s lives. That is capitalist self-interest in action: a philosophy just about as cold and dry as a funeral drum. It is time for change globally, a non-violent Social Revolution centred on Love and Peace, Equality, Global Brotherhood, and a sense of Freedom for all. These are the tenements underpinning Homelessness, it’s how the Homeless operate within their community. Lives are so transient, meetings so fleeting, the common bond is always about breaking-bread, about sharing a fundamentally important experience together: that of trust.

      My apologies for rambling on a little, Homelessness is a passionate subject here at Gallybloggers, a subject very close to hearth, heart and home. Sincerely, thank you for your Love and attention. We are extremely grateful.

      God Bless. Namaste 🙂

      DN and Raven’s 12

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Namaste PJ 🙂

      Thank you for eloquent summation of the post. Grateful indeed to have a perspective that acknowledges the diversity of challenges faced by the Homeless. Indeed prejudice against the Homeless is really only the tip of the ice-berg. At street the fight for existence takes on a whole new meaning. It is a terrifying ordeal, a real hardship and struggle to exist, persist and resist. Homelessness should not be happening, we are meant to be a civilised society. Gallybloggers see no sense of civilised from an empty shop doorway laying on a piece of cardboard hoping someone will buy you a sandwich as your main meal for the day.

      It’s time for a Red Revolution of Love. Power to the People! 🙂

      God Bless. Namaste 🙂

      DN and Raven’s 12

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Greetings Tina, Namaste

    Beautiful in heart and soul and burning as a lantern for others to follow, we are blessed by your friendship, thank you very much indeed. Your words are tremendously encouraging, indeed news will travel quickly when the Gallybloggers are told that words such as outstanding and brilliant have warmed the pages of their Blog-site. They will be over the moon with a sparking sense of worth…their words read, their voice heard, their heart touched somehow and embers of self-confidence and self-worth flicker a little. They will laugh, they always laugh when I speak with them: laughter is their currency, well that and good stories and tall tales, and your comments will make them all millionaires in their hearts Thank you for miles of smiles good friend.

    Love and Peace. God Bless. Namaste

    DN and Raven’s 12

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “Laughter is their currency”… Such a beautiful epithet. Dear friend, Dewin, saying my words will encourage is the highest praise you could bestow upon me. My heart is full, knowing I have touched another in this way. Love, peace, and blessings to you, dear one, and to Raven’s 12 and the full cast of Gallybloggers 💜💜💜

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Greetings Lady Tina, Namaste

        Aww Thank you, so sweet and sincere. ❤

        You’ve a well of tender kindness in your heart Tina from which you draw and nourish all of us here. We are touched by your gentleness, reassured by your support, and moved by your words and sentiments, thank you…your treasured comments brought giggles and laughter, and small chuckles that bubbled and popped and put twinkles in happy eyes, big smiles on cracked lips, and hissing laughter bursting out through toothless grins I still find it amusing to watch the faces of one or two when I share tales of comments and poetry success: some understand or express themselves outwardly, others, perhaps a little more reserved, new to the streets, else a little bewildered, smile appreciatively and move on to the next topic It’s a sweet and sincere reaction, albeit done and over in a flash. I think such a reaction also displays their outlook: it being one centred entirely on the immediacy of their lives. What may have come and gone moments ago is now gone for good and only the next immediate moment is important…there is no sense of continuation or permanency. Having moved myself 50 times throughout the UK, I have not yet met any other social group who are so actively present in the current moment. I wonder at this phenomenon and understand it as being the Homeless Way, also the Poet’s Way and the Artist’s Way…it is about embracing the shock and awe of every second: about active sensation and physicality, about dream state and reality, and all facets being present in the sweep of one all-encompassing gaze that sees the ‘mis-en-scene’ rather than component parts. Seeing with heightened sensation’ is probably a fitting phrase. The Homeless I have met and befriended have a visionary gaze quite unlike most people. A conversation this morning with a friend called Paul brought up the subject of the tree in front of us. Paul explained to me that he knows it is a tree, but his perception of it is a poetry that describes the illuminated magic of nature: he sees it as a flourished, vibrant, energetic, alive entity, an object of love shimmering light and radiant, not like an aura, more a soft hazy glow…a vision as if seen through a soft focus. Perfect eyesight for a poet I thought, what a gift…I offered them small change for the gift they had only to be told you have to do the hard yards in life before you earn your wings. Well that told me!

        Thank you so very much indeed for re-blogging The Scarecrows get ever more excitable when news arrives of ‘success’ on the other side of the Atlantic! I think the challenge is set for someone to not only be successful but also achieve conquest lol One or two have already started betting on ‘like’s received. I think it is adorable, their interest is infectious, their fascinating intense but fleeting It is the Homeless Way…which sounds a great title for a poem.

        Homelessness must be kept topical and ever present in the public eye. With numbers growing daily Homelessness is not an issue that is going away or that can be hidden, secreted, or moved on by law enforcement. Homelessness is a global concern: the last occasion when a World Census was attempted was ‘2005 by the United Nations when an estimated 100 million people were homeless worldwide. As many as 1.6 billion people lacked adequate housing (Habitat, 2015).’ (1) These figures are a little old now, but it is obvious I think that the numbers have risen. These statistics are shocking evidence of wilful neglect by government policies that are not inclusive and therefore do not extend a duty of care to all equally. It is shameful in this day and age that our species perpetuates tradition by remarketing it using a different word when essentially it is the same redundant discriminating governance that has always existed. So yes indeed Lady Tina, it is certainly time for change on a global sale, a full reversal of poles…the removal of Patriarchy and the establishment of Matriarchy. Only then will Love and Compassion be first amongst a list of words on the governments ‘to do’ list and money find itself erased.

        It is imperative that the Homeless issue be made ever present in people’s lives: perhaps then through overwhelming public concern the causes behind Homelessness can identified and resolved, and Homelessness be permanently removed from our streets and societies.

        Thank you so much for wandering back into our field trailing your purple hearts and bringing your warmth Love and company to share with us here. Take care in all ways always.

        God Bless, Namaste

        DN and Raven’s 12

        (1) ~

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Greetings Lord Dewin, Namaste ❤

          Thank you so much for gracing my blog with your beautiful and enlightening comment. I have read it twice in order to take in all that it offers.

          The Homeless have so much to teach us, the least of which not being to live in the present moment. Abiding so close to nature, they miss very little of all She has to offer. Would that all of humanity be so fortunate…

          The Homeless Way is indeed a wonderful title for a poem, one I hope you will write. Your pen touches The Divine when you put it to paper.

          I agree that Homelessness must be kept topical and ever present in the public eye. I hope my small service here on my blog will benefit. We are all homeless within ourselves when we detach from our sisters and brothers by ignoring their existence.

          Thank you for giving us the link to the Homeless World Cup Foundation. I will share it on all of my social network pages, along with the link to Gallybloggers.

          My love and good wishes to Raven’s 12, the full cast of Gallybloggers, and to you, my dear friend 💜💜💜


        1. Hey Deb, Namaste 🙂

          And not just me but all the Homeless who drink from Tina’s Well of Love ❤

          With the weather cooling quite quickly here as Winter thinks about tapping on the front door, Love is a commodity that will add warmth and sense of worth to chilling bones. Than you for yours.

          Thank you also for acknowledgment of Tina's generous support and kind intervention. Her share really is most welcome, Lady of Purple Hearts, Tina deserves her title.

          Take care in all ways always 🙂

          God Bless. Namaste 🙂

          DN and Raven's 12

          Liked by 2 people

            1. Hey Deb,

              Thank you for your kind comments.

              Lady Tina is our Lantern Light,
              She who always shines so bright,
              Who shares her Love so merrily,
              Who offers compassion so graciously,
              And warmth and support so effortlessly,
              Indeed is it any wonder at all, our Lady of Purple Hearts,
              Leaves us sated with our hearts brimming full,
              With Love and Kindness to keep us from the Fall,
              And our souls left happier basking in her Beautiful.

              Love and Peace. God Bless. Namaste 🙂

              DN and Raven’s 12

              Liked by 2 people

    1. Namaste Deb 🙂

      I am humbled, flattered, blushed to a deep reddening shine like a rosy apple 🙂 Thank you, but really I do so very little other than enjoy their natural warmth and company, share a coffee and spill a yard of laughter. We are a team always, brothers and sisters one and all: theirs is the hard graft distilling the totality of their lives into words and verse. Theirs is a unique resonant vision and expression and I privileged to enjoy that with them. Thank so kindly for your generosity, and for your charm 😉

      I was sitting with a Homeless friend today chatting away when a kindly lady with a beaming smile came by. She was from a local charity, one I had not heard about who were handing out Christmas Dinner tickets to the Homeless in the City where I live. It was such an unexpected act and so out of the blue we were both a little taken aback with sudden warming surprise that we both said thank you, at which point I was asked if I wanted a ticket! I don’t mind at all being asked, in fact i felt included and accepted in some way, it was more that I was wearing smart business clothes yet was still asked! My Homeless friend and I enjoyed the best belly laugh of the day! lol 🙂

      Thank you once again Deb for your most generous comment. The accolade is worn by one and all here with humbleness and pride.

      God Bless. Namaste 🙂

      DN and Raven’s 12

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Thank you: I am most fortunate to be befriended by Scarecrows with ever-inky quills, with words and lines to speak and spill, they are the story-tellers, the true conduits for expression: and I merely the fortunate recipient of their friendship.

          Thank you Deb 🙂 Brightest Blessings for your weekend. Take care.

          God Bless. Namaste 🙂

          DN and Raven’s 12

          Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh I am so pleased you have featured Dewins post. His blog is an amazing platform for to those who are homeless who have so many stories to tell, and have such a huge poetic talent.. I was over there recently to catch up with his blog and so big smiles that you too are sharing the heartaches homelessness brings.. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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