Reblog ~ 49 Days In 1988: Week 16 – Closing Doors

I was thrilled to be Hugh Roberts‘ guest last month on his 49 Days In 1988 series. He shares snippets from his 1988 diary and takes us on a trip in his Music Time machine, featuring songs from the 1980s chosen by his guests.

Glimpses by Hugh Roberts

Buy Hugh’s book HERE

I enjoyed being a part of this series and thank Hugh for inviting me. Now over to Hugh 🙂




49 Days In 1988: Week 16 – Closing Doors

Click here to read the first week of this feature, and follow the links at the end of each post.


London – April 13th, 1988

Well, I certainly will not rush into things as far as Dean is concerned. A phone call from him this evening meant another long conversation and a dinner date tomorrow evening. We both get on well, and I hope it lasts. It may all be happening far too quickly, after Stewart, and I may be on the rebound, but the waters around Dean seem calm and steady. I wonder if he sees the same in me? Afterall, Stewart is still on my mind and we’ve that upcoming meetup we promised each other.

It looks as if I could be moving again soon. We were told tonight that the house is on the market. It came as quite a shock to all of us. I do enjoy living here with the other guys. However, after a long talk with Stephen, we’ve decided to look for a flat together. Afterall, we get on so well, and I’m sure it’s not a bad idea, so as from tomorrow we start looking at the rental market. 

There’s no panic on finding a new place just yet, though. It could take up to six months to sell the house, so at least we have plenty of time on our hands. On the other hand, we could be out by July or August. Hopefully, by then, Stephen and I will be well-settled somewhere new! Fingers crossed.     

#London #music #bloggers #city #LGBTQI #LGBT


Welcome to this new feature for 2018 on Hugh’s Views and News. In this feature, I’ll be sharing snippets from my diary of 1988. We’ll also take a trip in Hugh’s Music Time machine to hear some songs from the 1980s which have been chosen by some specially invited guests.

#author #authors #books
Author, writer and blogger, Tina Frisco

This week, my guest is the author, writer and blogger, Tina Frisco. Not only is Tina a published author, but she’s also a singer and songwriter. She has performed publicly in many different venues. Born in Pennsylvania USA, she attended nursing school in New York and now lives in sunny California.

Tina has published three books, one of which – Vampyrie: Origin Of The Vampire, we’re going to feature today. Released in December 2016, if you like stories about creatures that have a blood addiction, then add this book to your ‘must-read list.’ Here’s the blurb about the book.

What if vampires were not the undead, but rather the dying? What if there were two factions among vampires: the sustained and the unsustainable? And what if those factions were at war with one another over the life of a young woman who promised them a future? Vampyrie brings the myth of the vampire into the realm of possibility. 

Phoebe Angelina Delaney is a reluctant genius and compassionate hothead. She finds herself in a pitch-dark underground and doesn’t remember how she got there. Did she drink too much alcohol and wander off in a stupor, or was she kidnapped by a malicious element determined to make her life a living hell? 

Sir Michael Alan David is a vampire – an enigma, charismatic and mysterious, who weaves in and out of Phoebe’s life. Does he intend to use his title as a ruse to draw her closer to an unearthly fate, or is he a cloak-and-dagger knight in shining armor

Too many secrets have been kept for too long. Phoebe must unravel the mystery in order to survive. Two major characters from the author’s first novel, Plateau, join forces with Phoebe to battle the demons in Vampyrie.

Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

Continue reading to see which song I chose 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by ❤️

18 thoughts on “Reblog ~ 49 Days In 1988: Week 16 – Closing Doors”

  1. Great song choice, Tina! I like your privacy statement for commenting. I’ve been waiting for WP to provide more direction, but may I use your verbiage? I already have a disclaimer for my Sunday Stills Link up about using InLinkz. Hope all is well with you today!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks, Terri. Of course you can copy my comments statement. Also add a privacy statement to your main menu. Sally was kind enough to allow me to tweak and copy hers, so feel free to tweak and copy mine. WP has issued a few blog posts, but they haven’t been forthcoming in providing explicit directions, especially to those of us with free sites. So we have to help each other, and I’m happy to do my part ❤️

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Most welcome, Terri. GDPR applies when EU citizens visit our blogs, so it affects all of us worldwide. The EU is protecting their citizens, no matter where they travel digitally ❤️

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Tina, thank you so much for being my guest onboard my music machine. I really appreciate you also adding a link to Glimpses. Thank you so much for doing that. I’ll be writing an update post about ‘Glimpses’ soon, as it’s just been reformatted and updated. 😀
    Thanks again, and thank you for accepting my invitation to join me in the ’49 Days in 1988′ feature.

    Liked by 1 person

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