Book Review: Size Matters by Sally Cronin

book-sally-size-mattersPublished  15 August 2016   Amazon

Size Matters is Sally Georgina Cronin’s no-holds-barred, true-life story of her journey from near-death obesity to vibrant health.

I first was struck by the author’s willingness to share so many personal things that most of us would hold to dearly as private; things that would humiliate us; things that we’d be hard-pressed to look in the mirror and admit even to ourselves. I knew that anyone willing to bridge this gap must be someone with integrity and a deep concern for her fellow human beings.

I didn’t have to go far into the book to find the encouragement I needed. The last paragraph of chapter one said it all for me:       “What began as a painful journey into my past became an exciting adventure in the present with expectations of a much brighter future.” Above all else, I wanted a bright future. And Ms. Cronin’s approach proffered that hope.

I’m not going to detail the specifics of this book, because a peek inside on Amazon will show you the table of contents and highlight the details of the program she developed.

What I want to shine a light on is the inspiration she exemplifies and sallyoffers to all those battling a weight problem. She knew that almost any help given by the medical/scientific/etc. communities would offer template approaches to weight reduction, approaches that she and many others have tried and failed at miserably. Because her health was in such jeopardy, she needed not only to urgently change her eating habits, but also to have the results be permanent. Thus began her journey within and her search for a sustainable healthy future.

It’s difficult enough to put one foot in front of the other on a daily basis in this fast-paced technological age. Everyone is multi-tasking and running fast to stand still. So when we find ourselves faced with a life-threatening condition, fear leads us to seek a quick fix. But quick fixes are almost never permanent and almost always detrimental. The author recognized this and strove instead to find her own way back home to herself.

Although despairing and contemplating suicide, she reached deep inside and found a way to kindle her common sense, which provided the ladder needed to climb out of the pit into which she’d dug herself. Admitting her weaknesses and acknowledging her strengths, she put the totality of herself into turning her life around. Plying patience and dogged determination, she climbed out of the suffocating abyss and surfaced into the fresh air of a promising and vibrant life.

sally-10I have never been obese, but I have carried extra weight at different times throughout my life. Taking off 10 or 15 pounds is hard enough. I can only imagine the devastation one must feel when facing the necessity of a 150-pound weight reduction. And I use the word “reduction” rather than “loss,” because I think the mind always seeks to find that which has been lost.

In my opinion, this book is not only a comprehensive text for permanent weight reduction, but also a “how to” guide for breaking the shackles of destructive behavior and tenaciously moving forward.

When asked in grade school to name five people who inspire us, most children look to either their families or noted figures in the world. And yet there are so many working humbly behind the global scenes who seek neither notoriety nor acclaim. I believe they’re referred to as unsung heroes.

This review is as much an acknowledgement of the author’s positive contribution to the world as it is of her all-inclusive approach to weight reduction in this outstanding book, which I highly recommend. Lose an ounce of weight, gain a pound of self-confidence. Sally Cronin is an inspirational example for all.

Sally’s Links:     Website      Facebook      Twitter       LinkedIn                                                          Google+      Amazon

17 thoughts on “Book Review: Size Matters by Sally Cronin”

  1. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Wow.. lovely to see Tina Frisco’s wonderful review for Size Matters this morning.. My first book that I wrote in 1999 and finally published in 2001 is now in its 4th Edition as an Ebook and I am sure, like many authors, that your first book is always your baby.. Thank you Tina for reminding me how far I have come…. I forget sometimes.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Excellent review T for Sal’s book. I too loved that book. Sally bares herself open and honestly and has so much to teach others with her life lessons. No surprise we all travel same circles. xo ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow. That’s what I call an inspirational review. Let the reader find out the minute details between the covers. Show the human scuffle between hope and not-one-size-fits-all-solution to a weight loss struggle and the story is universal. Love this review. 😀 😀 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Reading is subjective. We all understand that, don’t we. Ten people will love a book and one rotten apple… well…
        Anyway, I enjoy reviews that don’t tell you everything. After you read a few, you already have a pretty good handle on the book so why buy it? Know what I mean? o_O Pull ’em in but don’t tell ’em everything. 😀 😀 😀 Love your review.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I just found this review, Tina. How beautifully you wrote about Sally and her book and her gift of sharing her own struggles to help others. I’m so inspired by her – I didn’t know this part of her life. Thanks for reviewing her book – excellent job.


    1. As you know, Pam, it’s always such a delight when someone appreciates a review you’ve written. It pleases me to spread the word about Sally and her work; she gives a great deal of herself to others. So glad you found us here and took the time to comment ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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