Danny’s Annual Christmas Message

Cripes! How many rotten things can one good dog tolerate? Danny the Dog is over at Chris’ place on The Story Reading Ape filling us in on Andrew’s supercilious shenanigans. Oh, and the telling is so comprehensive that his Christmas message has to be insinuated. But hey, when your dander is up and you’re given a platform to vent . . . 🙂

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Danny’s Annual Christmas Message

Well, it’s that time of year where I have to set the world right with my message of peace and love. It’s a big responsibility, but it’s the least that I can do for my fellow canines and their humans.

I reckon I should first introduce myself to those of you who have been off planet for the last few years. I am Danny the Dog, dog extraordinaire. Humans wait with bated breath for my monthly epistles to appear in print. Scientists consult me for the cure of various diseases. And Andrew, my human, needs me to turn on his computer every morning. You would think by now he would have mastered the complicated process of pressing a particular button, but you’d be wrong.

Before I get to my message of peace and love, I’d like to tell you a little about my trials and tribulations…

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