PLATEAU: Beyond the Trees by Tina Frisco

#5-Star #Review for #Plateau

While I was on break helping my sisters with my mother, my book PLATEAU received two new reviews. Since I haven’t developed the habit of checking my books for reviews (I know! What kind of author am I?), I stumbled upon these at different times.

I reblogged Colleen Chesebro‘s review on 10/5/17. You can read it HERE. I just learned of Madelyn Griffith-Hayne‘s review, and would like to share it with you now. 

Madelyn is a practicing ADD Coach who trains, mentors, and coaches ADD professionals. She refers to herself as The ADD Poster Girl and describes herself in this way: “Mentalist and empath, visionary and myopic, the sanest person I’ve ever met with the craziest life: a self-aware, self-assured stuttering wonder of more-than-a-mess.” That alone should kindle your little grey cells 🙂 If you’re not familiar with Madelyn, please visit her BLOG, comment, and share. 

Madelyn has captured the essence of PLATEAU. Thank you, my friend, for this heartfelt and moving review ❤ PLATEAU by Tina Frisco

Spiritually Moving and Uplifting

FIRST I must say that I loved this gentle little book. I devoured it in a single evening, so entranced by the story that I didn’t want to stop to read the inspiring quotes from Lynn V. Andrew’s Power Deck that began each chapter. Once I reached the end of the book I had to go back for the quotes, skimming each following chapter a second time.

NOW I must say that I have struggled with how I could possibly write a review — I’ve never read another book quite like it.

Other reviewers here have given you as much as you need to become familiar with the book’s “environment” – if I can call it that, introducing you to a few of the characters – so I won’t repeat similar content. But they can’t convey the deeply spiritual, uplifting essence of the book that, to me, is what makes it remarkable. Plateau never pontificates, but rather seduces the reader to come to his or her own spiritual realizations as the story unfolds.

I suppose the most impactful thing I can say is that I was infused with a sense of well-being when I finally put down my Kindle and turned off the light. I was in such a calm and totally relaxed positive state of mind that I transitioned easily and almost immediately into a deep sleep – a rare experience in my life.
(Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
“It takes a village to transform a world!”

42 thoughts on “#5-Star #Review for #Plateau”

  1. Oh my friend, this book deserves SO much better. I wish everyone would give themselves the gift of the small amount of time it would take to go get it and READ it. As I implied with my first paragraph, it captures the reader and takes us on a journey like no other. Truly brilliant work.

    As for “capturing the essence” – lol – although I didn’t do the job I wish I had been ABLE to do, I had to chuckle that you grabbed a few word from Menage a Moi. That pretty much sums me up perfectly. 🙂 Thanks for the plug for my blog as well.

    You are a wise and beautiful ANCIENT soul, and I am beyond blessed to have you in my life – even miles away as the crow flies. (also grateful that neither of us is a crow – lol)

    NOW, I must jump over to read Coleen’s review!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. M, you crack me up! I’m with you in gratitude for not being a crow 🙂 You’re most welcome for the plug. It was my absolute pleasure to promote you. And you DID capture the essence of Plateau ~ probably more than you realize. Can’t get much better than visceral and heartfelt. Love and hugs to you, my forever friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I wonder if the crows are grateful they don’t have to be humans? I suppose it depends upon the humans.

        I would rather be a crow than have to be one of those humans with hearts the color of a crow’s feathers.

        Thank you for this gracious and graceful response to my efforts. {{hugs}} ❤ ❤ ❤

        Liked by 1 person

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